90 Cogs with 1k Commands
Discord Voice Channel Activities.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
!activity | Base command for creating activity invite links. |
!activity askaway | Create an activity invite link for Ask Away. |
!activity awkword | Create an activity invite link for Awkword. |
!activity bashout | Create an activity invite link for Bash Out |
!activity betrayal | Create an activity invite link for Betrayal. |
!activity blazing8s | Create an activity invite link for Blazing 8s. |
!activity bobbleleague | Create an activity invite link for Bobble League. |
!activity checkersinthepark | Create an activity invite link for Checkers In The Park. |
!activity chessinthepark | Create an activity invite link for Chess In The Park. |
!activity decoder | Create an activity invite link for Decoder. |
!activity doodlecrew | Create an activity invite link for Doodle Crew. |
!activity fishington | Create an activity invite link for Fishington. |
!activity garticphone | Create an activity invite link for Gartic Phone. |
!activity jamspace | Create an activity invite link for Jamspace. |
!activity knowwhatimeme | Create an activity invite link for Know What I Meme. |
!activity landio | Create an activity invite link for Land IO. |
!activity letterleague | Create an activity invite link for Letter League. |
!activity pokernight | Create an activity invite link for Poker Night. |
!activity puttparty | Create an activity invite link for Putt Party. |
!activity putts | Create an activity invite link for Putts. |
!activity sketchheads | Create an activity invite link for Sketch Heads. |
!activity sketchyartist | Create an activity invite link for Sketchy Artist. |
!activity spellcast | Create an activity invite link for Spell Cast. |
!activity watchtogether | Create an activity invite link for Watch Together. |
!activity wordsnacks | Create an activity invite link for Word Snacks. |
!activity youtubetogether | Create an activity invite link for Youtube Together. |
A collection of server administration utilities.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
!addrole | Add a role to a user. |
!announceset | Change how announcements are sent in this guild. |
!announceset channel | Change the channel where the bot will send announcements. |
!announceset clearchannel | Unsets the channel for announcements. |
!editrole | Edit role settings. |
!editrole colour | Edit a role's colour. |
!editrole name | Edit a role's name. |
!removerole | Remove a role from a user. |
!selfrole | Add or remove a selfrole from yourself. |
!selfrole list | Lists all available selfroles. |
!selfroleset | Manage selfroles. |
!selfroleset add | Add a role, or a selection of roles, to the list of available selfroles. |
!selfroleset clear | Clear the list of available selfroles for this server. |
!selfroleset remove | Remove a role, or a selection of roles, from the list of available selfroles. |
Check new users with AltDentifier API
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
!altcheck | Check a user on AltDentifier. |
!altset | Manage AltDentifier Settings. |
!altset action | Specify what actions to take when a member joins and has a certain Trust Level. |
!altset channel | Set the channel to send AltDentifier join checks to. |
!altset settings | View AltDentifier Settings. |
!altset unwhitelist | Remove a user from the AltDentifier whitelist. |
!altset whitelist | Whitelist a user from AltDentifier actions. |
Aurora is a fully-featured moderation system.
It is heavily inspired by GalacticBot, and is designed to be a more user-friendly alternative to Red's core Mod cogs.
This cog stores all of its data in an SQLite database.
Author(s): cswimr
Command | Description |
!aurora | Settings and miscellaneous commands for Aurora. |
Aliases: moderation, mod
!aurora import | Import moderation history from other bots. |
!aurora import aurora | Import moderation history from another bot using Aurora. |
!aurora import galacticbot | Import moderation history from GalacticBot. |
!aurora relativedelta | Convert a string to a relativedelta. |
!aurora settings | Configure Aurora's settings. |
Aliases: config, options, set
!aurora settings addrole | Manage the addrole whitelist. |
Aliases: removerole
!aurora settings guild | Manage Aurora's guild settings. |
Aliases: server
!aurora settings immunity | Manage the immunity whitelist. |
!aurora settings overrides | Manage Aurora's user overriddable settings. |
Aliases: override, user
!aurora timedelta | Convert a string to a timedelta. |
Create automatic reactions for triggers and pre-defined events.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
!autoreact | Configure automatic reactions to messages that match a trigger. |
Aliases: ar
!autoreact add | Add a reaction to a trigger. |
!autoreact add emojis | Add a reaction for emojis. |
!autoreact add images | Add a reaction for images. |
!autoreact add spoilers | Add a reaction for spoilers. |
!autoreact add stickers | Add a reaction for stickers. |
!autoreact clear | Clear every or specific event auto reaction trigger in this server. |
!autoreact list | View every auto reacton trigger. |
!autoreact remove | Remove a reaction from an auto reaction trigger. |
!autoreact remove emojis | Remove a reaction for emojis. |
!autoreact remove images | Remove a reaction for images. |
!autoreact remove spoilers | Remove a reaction for spoilers. |
!autoreact remove stickers | Remove a reaction for stickers. |
!autoreact reset | Clear every auto reaction from a trigger. |
Author(s): crayyy_zee
Command | Description |
!appealset | Set up ban appeal settings |
Aliases: aset
!appealset banmessage | Set the message sent to a user when they are banned |
!appealset channel | Set ban appeal channel |
!appealset managers | Set ban appeal managers |
Aliases: manager, m
!appealset managers add | Add a manager |
!appealset managers list | List managers |
!appealset managers remove | Remove a manager |
!appealset questions | Set ban appeal questions |
Aliases: qs, question, q
!appealset questions add | Add a question |
!appealset questions list | List questions |
!appealset questions remove | Remove a question |
!appealset resetappeal | Reset the appeal status of all users |
!appealset response | Set the message sent to a user when a ban appeal is accepted or rejected |
!appealset showsettings | Show ban appeal settings |
Aliases: ss
!appealset toggle | Toggle ban appeal settings |
Display a chart of the moderators with the most bans.
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and Aikaterna
Command | Description |
!banchart | Display a chart of the moderators with the most bans. |
!banchart storedbans | Creates a ban chart using the server's bans rather than audit logs. |
Author(s): blizzardthewolf
Command | Description |
!bannedcount | Get the number of banned members in the server |
Play battleship with one other person.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
!battleship | Start a game of battleship. |
!battleshipboard | View your current board from an ongoing game in your DMs. |
!battleshipset | Config options for battleship. |
!battleshipset extra | Set if an extra shot should be given after a hit. |
!battleshipset imgboard | Set if the board should be displayed using an image. |
!battleshipset mention | Set if players should be mentioned when their turn begins. |
!battleshipset thread | Set if a thread should be created per-game to contain game messages. |
!battleshipstop | Stop the game of battleship in this channel. |
Replaces the core uptime
command to show the uptime
percentage over the last 30 days.
The cog will need to run for a full 30 days for the full
data to become available.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
!downtime | Check [botname] downtime over the last 30 days. |
!uptime | Get [botname]'s uptime percent over the last 30 days, and when I was last restarted. |
!uptimegraph | Check [botname] uptime with a graph over the last 30 days. |
Create polls with buttons, and get a pie chart afterwards!
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
!advstartpoll | Advanced users: create a pull using command arguments |
!buttonpoll | Start a button-based poll |
!endpoll | End a currently running poll |
!getvoters | Fetch the current voters for a running poll |
!listpolls | List all currently running polls |
Calculate simple mathematical expressions.
Author(s): @vexingvexed
Command | Description |
!calc | Start an interactive calculator using buttons. |
See the calendar on Discord!
Author(s): Kuro
Command | Description |
!calendar | View the calendar! |
Backup & Restore tools for Discord servers.
This cog can backup & restore the following:
- Bans (including reason)
- Categories (permissions/order)
- Text channels (permissions/order)
- Voice channels (permissions/order)
- Forum channels (permissions/order)[Not forum posts]
- Roles (permissions/color/name/icon and what members they're assigned to)
- Emojis (name/roles, Very slow and rate limit heavy)
- Stickers (name/description, Very slow and rate limit heavy)
- Members (roles and nicknames)
- Messages (Optional, can be disabled)
- Server icon/banner/splash/discovery splash/description/name
- All server verification/security settings
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
!cartographer | Open the Backup/Restore menu |
Aliases: carto
!cartographerset | Backup & Restore Tools |
Aliases: cartoset
!cartographerset backup | Create a backup of this server |
!cartographerset restorelatest | Restore the latest backup for this server |
Command for getting help for category that ignores case-sensitivity.
Author(s): Jakub Kuczys (https://github.com/Jackenmen)
Command | Description |
!categoryhelp | Get help for category. |
Show activity.
Author(s): aikaterna and Redjumpman
Command | Description |
!ccallow | Remove a channel from the deny list to allow chatchart use. |
!ccdeny | Add a channel to deny chatchart use. |
!ccdenylist | List the channels that are denied. |
!chatchart | Generates a pie chart, representing the last 5000 messages in the specified channel. |
!serverchart | Generates a pie chart, representing the last 1000 messages from every allowed channel in the server. |
The Core cog has many commands related to core functions.
These commands come loaded with every Red bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
!autoimmune | Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions. |
!autoimmune add | Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions. |
!autoimmune isimmune | Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions. |
!autoimmune list | Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity. |
!autoimmune remove | Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions. |
!bankset | Base command for bank settings. |
!bankset bankname | Set the bank's name. |
!bankset creditsname | Set the name for the bank's currency. |
!bankset maxbal | Set the maximum balance a user can get. |
!bankset prune | Base command for pruning bank accounts. |
!bankset prune server | Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server. |
!bankset prune user | Delete the bank account of a specified user. |
!bankset registeramount | Set the initial balance for new bank accounts. |
!bankset reset | Delete all bank accounts. |
!bankset showsettings | Show the current bank settings. |
!command | Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs. |
!command disable | Disable a command. |
!command disable server | Disable a command in this server only. |
!command disablecog | Disable a cog in this server. |
!command enable | Enable a command. |
!command enable server | Enable a command in this server. |
!command enablecog | Enable a cog in this server. |
!command listdisabled | List disabled commands. |
!command listdisabled global | List disabled commands globally. |
!command listdisabled guild | List disabled commands in this server. |
!command listdisabledcogs | List the cogs which are disabled in this server. |
!contact | Sends a message to the owner. |
!embedset | Commands for toggling embeds on or off. |
!embedset channel | Set's a channel's embed setting. |
!embedset command | Sets a command's embed setting. |
!embedset command server | Sets a command's embed setting for the current server. |
!embedset server | Set the server's embed setting. |
!embedset showsettings | Show the current embed settings. |
!embedset user | Sets personal embed setting for DMs. |
!ignore | Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list. |
!ignore channel | Ignore commands in the channel, thread, or category. |
!ignore list | List the currently ignored servers and channels. |
!ignore server | Ignore commands in this server. |
Aliases: guild
!info | Shows info about [botname]. |
!invite | Shows [botname]'s invite url. |
!licenseinfo | Get info about Red's licenses. |
Aliases: licenceinfo
!localallowlist | Commands to manage the server specific allowlist. |
Aliases: localwhitelist
!localallowlist add | Adds a user or role to the server allowlist. |
!localallowlist clear | Clears the allowlist. |
!localallowlist list | Lists users and roles on the server allowlist. |
!localallowlist remove | Removes user or role from the allowlist. |
!localblocklist | Commands to manage the server specific blocklist. |
Aliases: localblacklist
!localblocklist add | Adds a user or role to the local blocklist. |
!localblocklist clear | Clears the server blocklist. |
!localblocklist list | Lists users and roles on the server blocklist. |
!localblocklist remove | Removes user or role from local blocklist. |
!modlogset | Manage modlog settings. |
!modlogset cases | Enable or disable case creation for a mod action. |
!modlogset modlog | Set a channel as the modlog. |
!modlogset resetcases | Reset all modlog cases in this server. |
!mydata | Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you. |
!mydata 3rdparty | View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module. |
!mydata forgetme | Have [botname] forget what it knows about you. |
!mydata getmydata | [Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you. |
!mydata whatdata | Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why. |
!set | Commands for changing [botname]'s settings. |
!set bot | Commands for changing [botname]'s metadata. |
Aliases: metadata
!set bot nickname | Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server. |
!set deletedelay | Set the delay until the bot removes the command message. |
!set locale | Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
!set locale server | Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
!set regionalformat | Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
!set regionalformat server | Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
!set roles | Set server's admin and mod roles for [botname]. |
!set roles addadminrole | Adds an admin role for this server. |
!set roles addmodrole | Adds a moderator role for this server. |
!set roles removeadminrole | Removes an admin role for this server. |
!set roles removemodrole | Removes a mod role for this server. |
!set serverfuzzy | Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server. |
!set serverprefix | Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es). |
!set showsettings | Show the current settings for [botname]. |
!set usebotcolour | Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds. |
Aliases: usebotcolor
!unignore | Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list. |
!unignore channel | Remove a channel, thread, or category from the ignore list. |
!unignore server | Remove this server from the ignore list. |
Aliases: guild
!uptime | Shows [botname]'s uptime. |
Revert some actions in servers, from the audit logs!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!ctrlz | Revert some actions in servers, from the audit logs. |
!ctrlz mass | Revert all the audit logs that can be reverted. |
!ctrlz view | View the audit logs that can be reverted. |
Security tools to protect communities
Author(s): Twentysix (Twentysix#5252)
Command | Description |
!alert | Alert the staff members |
Aliases: staff
!defender | Defender commands reserved to staff |
Aliases: def
!defender emergency | Manually engage or turn off emergency mode |
!defender freshmeat | Returns a list of the new users of the day |
!defender identify | Shows a member's rank + info |
!defender memberranks | Counts how many members are in each rank |
!defender messages | Access recorded messages of users / channels |
Aliases: msg
!defender messages channel | Shows recent messages of a channel |
!defender messages exportchannel | Exports recent messages of a channel to a file |
!defender messages exportuser | Exports recent messages of a user to a file |
!defender messages user | Shows recent messages of a user |
!defender monitor | Shows recent events that might require your attention |
!defender notifynew | Sends you a DM if a user younger than X hours joins |
!defender status | Shows overall status of the Defender system |
!defender updates | Shows all the past announcements of Defender |
!defender warden | Warden rules management |
Aliases: wd
!defender warden add | Adds a new rule |
!defender warden debug | Simulate and give a detailed summary of an event |
!defender warden export | Sends the rule as a YAML file |
!defender warden exportall | Sends all the rules as a tar.gz archive |
!defender warden find | Search for text in existing rules |
!defender warden list | Lists existing rules |
!defender warden memory | Shows or resets the memory of Warden |
!defender warden remove | Removes a rule by name |
!defender warden removeall | Removes all rules |
!defender warden run | Runs a rule against the whole userbase |
!defender warden show | Shows a rule |
!defender warden upload | Starts a rule upload session |
!dset | Defender system settings |
Aliases: defset
!dset alert | Alert manual module configuration |
!dset alert enable | Toggle alert manual module |
!dset commentanalysis | Comment analysis configuration |
Aliases: ca
!dset commentanalysis action | Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish or none (notification only)) |
!dset commentanalysis attributes | Setup the attributes that CA will check |
!dset commentanalysis deletemessage | Toggles whether to delete the offending message |
!dset commentanalysis enable | Toggles comment analysis |
!dset commentanalysis rank | Sets target rank |
!dset commentanalysis reason | Sets a reason for the action (modlog use) |
!dset commentanalysis threshold | Sets the threshold that will trigger CA's action (20-100) |
!dset commentanalysis token | Sets Perspective API token |
!dset commentanalysis wdchecks | Implement advanced Warden based checks |
!dset commentanalysis wipe | Sets how many days worth of messages to delete if the action is ban |
!dset emergency | Emergency mode configuration |
!dset emergency minutes | Sets max inactivity minutes for staff |
!dset emergency modules | Sets emergency modules |
!dset general | Defender general settings |
!dset general countmessages | Toggles message count (and rank 4) |
!dset general enable | Toggle defender system |
!dset general helperroles | Sets the helper roles |
!dset general notifychannel | Sets the channel where notifications will be sent |
!dset general notifyrole | Sets the role that will be pinged in case of alerts |
!dset general punishmessage | Sets the messages that I will send after assigning the punish role |
!dset general punishrole | Sets the role that will be assigned to misbehaving users |
!dset general reset | Resets Defender configuration for this server |
!dset general trustedroles | Sets the trusted roles |
!dset importfrom | Import the configuration from another server |
!dset invitefilter | Invite filter auto module configuration |
Aliases: if
!dset invitefilter action | Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish or none (deletion only)) |
!dset invitefilter deletemessage | Toggles whether to delete the invite's message |
!dset invitefilter enable | Toggle invite filter |
!dset invitefilter excludeowninvites | Excludes this server's invites from the filter |
!dset invitefilter rank | Sets target rank |
!dset invitefilter wdchecks | Implement advanced Warden based checks |
!dset joinmonitor | Join monitor auto module configuration |
Aliases: jm
!dset joinmonitor enable | Toggles join monitor |
!dset joinmonitor minutes | Sets minutes (X users joined in Y minutes) |
!dset joinmonitor notifynew | Enables notifications for users younger than X hours |
!dset joinmonitor users | Sets users (X users joined in Y minutes) |
!dset joinmonitor verificationlevel | Raises the server's verification level on raids |
!dset joinmonitor wdchecks | Implement advanced Warden based checks |
!dset raiderdetection | Raider detection auto module configuration |
Aliases: rd
!dset raiderdetection action | Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish or none (notify only)) |
!dset raiderdetection enable | Toggles raider detection |
!dset raiderdetection messages | Sets messages (User posted X messages in Y minutes) |
!dset raiderdetection minutes | Sets minutes (User posted X messages in Y minutes) |
!dset raiderdetection rank | Sets target rank |
!dset raiderdetection wdchecks | Implement advanced Warden based checks |
!dset raiderdetection wipe | Sets how many days worth of messages to delete if the action is ban |
!dset rank3 | Rank 3 configuration |
!dset rank3 joineddays | Days since join required to be considered Rank 3 |
!dset rank3 minmessages | Minimum messages required to reach Rank 3 |
!dset silence | Silence manual module configuration |
!dset silence enable | Toggle silence manual module |
!dset vaporize | Vaporize manual module configuration |
!dset vaporize enable | Toggle vaporize manual module |
!dset vaporize maxtargets | Sets the maximum amount of targets (1-999) |
!dset voteout | Voteout manual module configuration |
!dset voteout action | Sets action (ban, kick, softban, punish) |
!dset voteout enable | Toggles voteout |
!dset voteout rank | Sets target rank |
!dset voteout votes | Sets required votes number for it to pass |
!dset voteout wipe | Sets how many days worth of messages to delete if the action is ban |
!dset warden | Warden auto module configuration |
Aliases: wd
!dset warden enable | Toggles warden |
!silence | Enables server wide message autodeletion for the specified rank (and below) |
!vaporize | Gets rid of bad actors in a quick and silent way |
!voteout | Initiates a vote to expel a user from the server |
A cog to search an english term/word in the dictionary! Synonyms, antonyms, phonetics (with audio)...
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!dictionary | Search a word in the english dictionnary. |
A cog to edit roles!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!discordsearch | Search for a message on Discord in a channel. |
Install community cogs made by Cog Creators.
Community cogs, also called third party cogs, are not included
in the default Red install.
Community cogs come in repositories. Repos are a group of cogs
you can install. You always need to add the creator's repository
using the `[p]repo` command before you can install one or more
cogs from the creator.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
!findcog | Find which cog a command comes from. |
Create, send, and store rich embeds, from Red-Dashboard too!
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and AAA3A
Command | Description |
!embed | Post a simple embed with a color, a title and a description. |
!embed dashboard | Get the link to the Dashboard. |
!embed download | Download a JSON file for a message's embed(s). |
!embed downloadstored | Download a JSON file for a stored embed. |
!embed edit | Edit a message sent by [botname]. |
!embed fromfile | Post an embed from a valid JSON file (upload it). |
!embed info | Get info about a stored embed. |
!embed json | Post embeds from valid JSON. |
!embed list | Get info about a stored embed. |
!embed message | Post embed(s) from an existing message. |
!embed pastebin | Post embeds from a GitHub/Gist/Pastebin/Hastebin link containing valid JSON. |
!embed poststored | Post stored embeds. |
!embed postwebhook | Post stored embeds with a webhook. |
!embed store | Store an embed. |
!embed unstore | Remove a stored embed. |
!embed yaml | Post embeds from valid YAML. |
!embed yamlfile | Post an embed from a valid YAML file (upload it). |
Steals emojis and stickers sent by other people and optionally uploads them to your own server. Supports context menu commands.
Author(s): hollowstrawberry
Command | Description |
!getemoji | Get the image link for custom emojis or an emoji ID. |
!steal | Steals the emojis and stickers of the message you reply to. Can also upload them with [p]steal upload. |
Aliases: emojisteal
!steal upload | Steals emojis and stickers you reply to and uploads them to this server. |
!uploadsticker | Uploads a sticker to the server, useful for mobile. |
Track emojis and view leaderboards/most emojis used ect..
This cog will track reactions added to other user's messages.
It will ignore reactions added to a bot's message
It will also only count one reaction per emoji for each user on a message so user's can't spam react/unreact
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
!emojilb | View the emoji leaderboard |
!reactlb | View user leaderboard for most emojis added |
!resetreacts | Reset reaction data for this guild |
Exclusive Roles
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
!exclusivenow | Takes 2 Roles. Removes the second role if both roles are present on a user. |
!listexclusives | List all exclusive roles |
!retroscan | Scans the entire user list for roles that have been set as exclusive. |
!setexclusive | Takes 2 Roles. |
!unexclusive | Takes 2 roles and removes their exclusivity |
Extended modlogs
Works with core modlogset channel
Author(s): RePulsar and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
!modlog | Toggle various extended modlog notifications |
Aliases: modlogtoggle, modlogs
!modlog all | Turn all logging options on or off. |
!modlog bot | Bot filter settings. |
Aliases: bots
!modlog bot change | Toggle bots from being logged in user updates. |
!modlog bot deletes | Toggle message delete notifications for bot users. |
Aliases: delete
!modlog bot edits | Toggle message edit notifications for bot users. |
Aliases: edit
!modlog bot voice | Toggle bots from being logged in voice state updates. |
!modlog channel | Set the channel for modlogs. |
!modlog colour | Set custom colours for modlog events |
!modlog commandlevel | Set the level of commands to be logged. |
!modlog delete | Delete logging settings. |
!modlog delete bulkdelete | Toggle bulk message delete notifications. |
!modlog delete cachedonly | Toggle message delete notifications for non-cached messages. |
!modlog delete ignorecommands | Toggle message delete notifications for valid bot command messages. |
!modlog delete individual | Toggle individual message delete notifications for bulk message delete. |
!modlog embeds | Set modlog events to use embeds or text |
!modlog emojiset | Set the emoji used in text modlogs. |
!modlog ignore | Ignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
!modlog member | Toggle individual member update settings. |
Aliases: members, memberchanges
!modlog member all | Set all member update settings. |
!modlog member avatar | Toggle avatar updates for member changes. |
!modlog member flags | Toggle flags updates for members. |
!modlog member nickname | Toggle nickname updates for member changes. |
Aliases: nicknames
!modlog member pending | Toggle pending updates for members. |
!modlog member roles | Toggle role updates for members. |
Aliases: role
!modlog member settings | Show the current settings on member updates. |
!modlog member timeout | Toggle timeout updates for members. |
!modlog resetchannel | Reset the modlog event to the default modlog channel. |
!modlog settings | Show the servers current ExtendedModlog settings |
!modlog toggle | Turn on and off specific modlog actions |
!modlog unignore | Unignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
Set expiring flags on members
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
!allflag | Lists all flags for the server |
Aliases: flagall
!clearflag | Clears flags for a member |
!flag | Flag a member |
!flagset | Commands for managing Flag settings |
!flagset dm | Toggles DM-ing the flags |
!flagset expire | Set the number of days for flags to expire after for server |
!listflag | Lists flags for a member |
Mention the unmentionables
Author(s): Bobloy
Command | Description |
!forcemention | Mentions that role, regardless if it's unmentionable |
Forward messages sent to the bot to the bot owner or in a specified channel.
Author(s): flare(flare#0001) and Aikaterna
Command | Description |
!pm | PMs a person. |
General commands.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
!8 | Ask 8 ball a question. |
!choose | Choose between multiple options. |
!flip | Flip a coin... or a user. |
!lmgtfy | Create a lmgtfy link. |
!roll | Roll a random number. |
!rps | Play Rock Paper Scissors. |
!serverinfo | Show server information. |
!stopwatch | Start or stop the stopwatch. |
Aliases: sw
!urban | Search the Urban Dictionary. |
A cog to generate images with messages and voice stats, for members, roles, guilds, categories, text channels, voice channels and activities!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!guildstats | Generate images with messages and voice stats, for members, roles, guilds, categories, text channels, voice channels and activities. |
!guildstats activities | Display stats for activities in this guild. |
!guildstats activity | Display stats for a specific activity in this guild. |
!guildstats category | Display stats for a specified category. |
!guildstats channel | Display stats for a specified channel. |
!guildstats disable | Disable the cog in this guild/server. |
!guildstats enable | Enable the cog in this guild/server. |
!guildstats graphic | Display graphic for members, roles guilds, text channels, voice channels and activities. |
!guildstats guild | Display stats for this guild. |
!guildstats ignoreactivity | Ignore or unignore a specific activity. |
!guildstats ignorecategory | Ignore or unignore a specific category. |
!guildstats ignorechannel | Ignore or unignore a specific channel. |
!guildstats ignoreme | Asking GuildStats to ignore your actions. |
!guildstats member | Display stats for a specified member. |
!guildstats memberactivities | Display stats for the activities of a specified member. |
!guildstats messages | Display stats for the messages in this guild. |
!guildstats monthly | Display monthly stats leaderboard for voice/messages members/channels. |
!guildstats role | Display stats for a specified role. |
!guildstats top | Display top stats leaderboard for voice/messages members/channels. |
!guildstats voice | Display stats for the voice in this guild. |
!guildstats weekly | Display weekly stats leaderboard for voice/messages members/channels. |
Hidden pings cuz its cool ig.
Author(s): sravan
Command | Description |
!hideping | Speak a message using a hidden ping! |
Logs deleted images for moderation purposes.
Author(s): hollowstrawberry
Command | Description |
!imagelog | View the current image log channel. |
!imagelog log_moderator_self_deletes | If disabled, users with Manage Message permission that delete their own image won't be logged. Enabled by default. True or False. |
!imagelog setchannel | Sets the image log channel to the current channel. |
Create various fun images
Author(s): TrustyJAID, Ivan Seidel (isnowillegal.com), Bruno Lemos (isnowillegal.com), and João Pedro (isnowillegal.com)
Command | Description |
!beautiful | Generate a beautiful image using users avatar. |
!facemerge | Generate a gif of two images fading into eachother. |
!feels | Generate a feels image using users avatar and role colour. |
!gwheeze | Generate a gif wheeze image if user has a gif avatar. |
!obama | Synthesize video clips of Obama. |
!pill | Generate a pill image to any colour with hex codes. |
!scrollbanner | Generate a scrolling text gif banner. |
!trump | Generate isnowillegal gif image. |
!wheeze | Generate a wheeze image with text or a user avatar. |
Custom info commands.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
!userinfo | Check user's info, defaults to author. |
Command | Description |
!free | Free a jailed member and restore their previous roles. |
!jail | Jail a member, removing all roles and assigning the jail role. |
!jailhistory | Check a member's jail history. |
!setallowedroles | Set which roles are allowed to use the jail command. |
!setjailrole | Set the jail role for the guild. |
!setmodlogchannel | Set the modlog channel for jail announcements. |
Your friendly neighborhood leveling system
Earn experience by chatting in text and voice channels, compare levels with your friends, customize your profile and view various leaderboards!
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
!lastweekly | View Last Week's Leaderboard |
!leveldata | Admin Only Data Commands |
Aliases: lvldata, ldata
!leveldata backup | Backup this server's data |
!leveldata cleanup | Cleanup the database |
!leveldata importamari | Import levels and exp from AmariBot |
!leveldata importmee6 | Import levels and exp from MEE6 |
!leveldata importpolaris | Import levels and exp from Polaris |
!leveldata reset | Reset all user data in this server |
!leveldata restore | Restore this server's data |
!levelset | Configure LevelUp Settings |
Aliases: lvlset, lset
!levelset addxp | Add XP to a user or role |
!levelset algorithm | Customize the leveling algorithm for your server |
!levelset allowed | Base command for all allowed lists |
!levelset allowed channel | Add/Remove a channel in the allowed list |
!levelset allowed role | Add/Remove a role in the allowed list |
!levelset commandxp | Toggle whether users can gain Exp from running commands |
!levelset dm | Toggle DM notifications |
!levelset embeds | Toggle using embeds or generated pics |
!levelset emojis | Set the emojis used to represent each stat type |
!levelset forcestyle | Force a profile style for all users |
!levelset ignore | Base command for all ignore lists |
!levelset ignore channel | Add/Remove a channel in the ignore list |
!levelset ignore role | Add/Remove a role in the ignore list |
!levelset ignore user | Add/Remove a user in the ignore list |
!levelset levelchannel | Set LevelUp log channel |
!levelset levelnotify | Send levelup message in the channel the user is typing in |
!levelset levelupmessages | Level up alert messages |
Aliases: lvlalerts, levelalerts, lvlmessages, lvlmsg
!levelset levelupmessages dm | Set the DM a user gets when they level up (Without recieving a role). |
!levelset levelupmessages dmrole | Set the DM a user gets when they level up and recieve a role. |
!levelset levelupmessages msg | Set the message sent when a user levels up. |
!levelset levelupmessages msgrole | Set the message sent when a user levels up and recieves a role. |
!levelset levelupmessages view | View the current level up alert messages |
!levelset mention | Toggle whether to mention the user in the level up message |
!levelset messages | Message settings |
Aliases: message, msg
!levelset messages channelbonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain channels |
!levelset messages cooldown | Cooldown threshold for message XP |
!levelset messages length | Set minimum message length for XP |
!levelset messages rolebonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain roles |
!levelset messages xp | Set message XP range |
!levelset prestige | Prestige settings |
!levelset prestige add | Add a role to a prestige level |
!levelset prestige keeproles | Keep level roles after prestiging |
!levelset prestige level | Set the level required to prestige |
!levelset prestige remove | Remove a prestige level |
!levelset prestige stack | Toggle stacking roles on prestige |
!levelset removexp | Remove XP from a user or role |
!levelset resetemojis | Reset the emojis to default |
!levelset rolegroup | Add or remove a role to the role group |
!levelset roles | Level role assignment |
!levelset roles add | Assign a role to a level |
!levelset roles autoremove | Automatic removal of previous level roles |
!levelset roles initialize | Initialize level roles |
Aliases: init
!levelset roles remove | Unassign a role from a level |
!levelset seelevels | Test the level algorithm |
!levelset setlevel | Set a user's level |
!levelset setprestige | Set a user to a specific prestige level |
!levelset showbalance | Toggle whether to show user's economy credit balance in their profile |
Aliases: showbal
!levelset starcooldown | Set the star cooldown |
!levelset starmention | Toggle star reaction mentions |
!levelset starmentiondelete | Toggle whether the bot auto-deletes the star mentions |
!levelset toggle | Toggle the LevelUp system |
!levelset view | View all LevelUP settings |
!levelset voice | Voice settings |
!levelset voice channelbonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain channels |
!levelset voice deafened | Ignore deafened voice users |
!levelset voice invisible | Ignore invisible voice users |
!levelset voice muted | Ignore muted voice users |
!levelset voice rolebonus | Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain roles |
!levelset voice solo | Ignore solo voice users |
!levelset voice streambonus | Add a range of bonus XP to users who are Discord streaming |
!levelset voice xp | Set voice XP gain |
!leveltop | View the LevelUp leaderboard |
!prestige | Prestige your rank! |
!profile | View User Profile |
!profiledata | View a user's profile by ID |
!roletop | View the leaderboard for roles |
!setprofile | Customize your profile |
Aliases: myprofile, mypf, pfset
!setprofile background | Set a background for your profile |
!setprofile backgrounds | View the all available backgrounds |
!setprofile barcolor | Set a color for your level bar |
!setprofile blur | Toggle a slight blur effect on the background image where the text is displayed. |
!setprofile font | Set a font for your profile |
!setprofile fonts | View the available fonts you can use |
!setprofile namecolor | Set a color for your username |
!setprofile shownick | Toggle whether your nickname or username is shown in your profile |
!setprofile statcolor | Set a color for your server stats |
!setprofile style | Set your profile image style |
!setprofile view | View your profile settings |
!stars | Reward a good noodle |
!starset | Configure LevelUp Star Settings |
!starset cooldown | Set the star cooldown |
!starset mention | Toggle star reaction mentions |
!starset mentiondelete | Toggle whether the bot auto-deletes the star mentions |
!starset view | View Star Settings |
!startop | View the Star Leaderboard |
!weekly | View Weekly Leaderboard |
!weeklyset | Configure Weekly LevelUp Settings |
Aliases: wset
!weeklyset autoremove | Remove role from previous winner when new one is announced |
!weeklyset autoreset | Toggle auto reset of weekly stats |
!weeklyset bonus | Set bonus exp for top weekly winners |
!weeklyset channel | Set channel to announce weekly winners |
!weeklyset day | Set day for weekly stats reset |
!weeklyset hour | Set hour for weekly stats reset |
!weeklyset ping | Toggle whether to ping winners in announcement |
!weeklyset reset | Reset the weekly leaderboard manually and announce winners |
!weeklyset role | Set role to award top weekly winners |
!weeklyset roleall | Toggle whether all winners get the role |
!weeklyset toggle | Toggle weekly stat tracking |
!weeklyset view | View the current weekly settings |
!weeklyset winners | Set number of winners to display |
Author(s): Kowlin
Command | Description |
!massmove | Massmove members from one channel to another. |
!massmove afk | Massmove members to the AFK channel |
!massmove me | Massmove you and every other member to another channel. |
Manage and schedule meetings.
Author(s): adminelevation
Command | Description |
!meeting | Group command for managing meetings. |
!meeting create | Start the setup process to create a new meeting. |
!meeting delete | Delete a meeting by its ID. |
!meeting details | Get details of a specific meeting. |
!meeting invite | Invite users to a meeting. |
!meeting list | List all meetings. |
!meeting myschedule | Check your upcoming and active meetings. |
!meeting timezones | List all timezones and their current times. |
!meetingset | Group command for managing meetings. |
!meetingset cleanup | Cleanup all meetings that are past their end time/date. |
!meetingset timezone | Set your timezone. |
Get count of all members + humans and bots separately.
Author(s): Jakub Kuczys (https://github.com/Jackenmen)
Command | Description |
!membercount | Get count of all members + humans and bots separately. |
Aliases: memberc
Tracks and displays the last 5 mentions a user has received.
Author(s): blizzardthewolf
Command | Description |
!mentioned | Display the last 5 mentions you have received |
Aliases: mentions, mention
Author(s): pali (pali#0439)
Command | Description |
!messagestats | Commands for tracking how many messages matched patterns. |
!messagestats addcounter | Adds a counter for how many times a message with this word has been sent in this server. |
!messagestats checkcounter | Checks how many messages containing this word have been sent since we started counting. |
!messagestats delcounter | Deletes the counter for this word. |
!messagestats dontnotifychannel | Turn off the notifychannel trigger. |
!messagestats dontnotifyme | Turn off the notifyme trigger. |
!messagestats info | Checks the complete info of a tracked word. |
!messagestats list | Lists all words we are looking for in this server with their stored info. |
!messagestats notifychannel | Whenever a message containing this word appears in this server a message is sent to the set channel. |
!messagestats notifyme | Whenever the word appears in a message on this server you will receive a DM from this bot. |
!messagestats resetcounter | Resets the counter of the word to 0 and the started-counting date to now. |
mock a user as spongebob
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
!mock | Mock a user with the spongebob meme |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
!modlogstats | Get modlog stats for the timeframe specified. |
A mod note cog for moderators to add notes to users
Author(s): Jojo#7791
Command | Description |
!modnote | Create a note for a user. This user cannot be a bot. |
!modnote edit | Edit a note on a user. This user cannot be a bot. |
!modnote list | List the notes on a certain user. |
!modnote listall | List all the members with notes in this guild |
!modnote remove | Remove a note from a user. This user cannot be a bot. |
!modnoteset | Setup modnotes |
!modnoteset nonauthoredits | Allow any moderator to edit notes, regardless of who authored it |
!modnoteset usemodlog | Toggle whether to use the modlog or not. |
Author(s): Eris
Command | Description |
!move | |
Tracks how many messages people send.
Idea prompted by Esports Discord, specifically Frostyy#1313 (526672641701183509)
Author(s): SharkyTheKing
Command | Description |
!messages | Displays how many messages the user has. |
!msgleaderboard | Message Tracker Leaderboard, displays all the members. |
Aliases: msglb
!msgtop10 | Displays the top 10 members in the leaderboard |
!mtset | Message Count Settings. |
Aliases: msgtset
!mtset admin | Administration commands. |
!mtset admin counter | Change a member's recorded message count. |
!mtset admin deletecount | Will delete the member's entire record. |
!mtset admin resetguild | Will delete Guild's recorded members. |
!mtset channellist | Displays channels that are being ignored from tracking. |
!mtset enable | Enables / Disables system. |
!mtset ignore | Ignore users / channels from message tracking. |
!mtset ignore channel | This will ignore/unignore a channel from message tracking. |
!mtset ignore mods | Ignores/Unignores staff of a server. |
!mtset ignore user | This blocks the user(s) from being tracked. |
!mtset showsettings | Display guild specific settings. |
Aliases: showsetting, ss, list
!mtset userlist | Displays users who are being ignored from tracking. |
!trackignore | Ignore yourself from message tracking. |
Mute users temporarily or indefinitely.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
!activemutes | Displays active mutes on this server. |
!mute | Mute users. |
!mutechannel | Mute a user in the current text channel (or in the parent of the current thread). |
!muteset | Mute settings. |
!muteset defaulttime | Set the default mute time for the mute command. |
!muteset makerole | Create a Muted role. |
!muteset notification | Set the notification channel for automatic unmute issues. |
!muteset role | Sets the role to be applied when muting a user. |
!muteset senddm | Set whether mute notifications should be sent to users in DMs. |
!muteset settings | Shows the current mute settings for this guild. |
Aliases: showsettings
!muteset showmoderator | Decide whether the name of the moderator muting a user should be included in the DM to that user. |
!timeout | Timeout users. |
!unmute | Unmute users. |
!unmutechannel | Unmute a user in this channel (or in the parent of this thread). |
!voicemute | Mute a user in their current voice channel. |
!voiceunmute | Unmute a user in their current voice channel. |
Author(s): Dav
Command | Description |
!cnick | Forcibly change a user's nickname. |
!freezenick | Freeze a users nickname. |
!nick | Forcibly change a user's nickname to a predefined string. |
!nickpurge | Remove all nicknames in the server. |
!nickset | Nicknamer settings |
!nickset dm | Set if you would like the bot to DM the user who's nickname was changed. |
!nickset modlog | Set if you would like to create a modlog entry everytime a nickname is being changed. |
!nickset name | Set the default name that will be applied when using |
!tempnick | Temporarily rename a user. |
!unfreezenick | Unfreeze a user's nickname. |
Anti-Nuke System for lazy server owners!
Monitors the following events:
Channel Creation/Edit/Deletion
Role Creation/Edit/Deletion
Emoji Creation/Edit/Deletion
Sticker Creation/Edit/Deletion
Webhook Creation/Edit/Deletion
Member role/nickname updates
Set a cooldown(in seconds)
Set an overload count(X events in X seconds)
Set an action(kick, ban, strip, notify)
If a user or bot exceeds X mod events within X seconds, the set action will be performed.
- Any dangerous permissions added to a role will be logged.
- If the vanity URL is changed, it will be logged.
Author(s): [vertyco](https://github.com/vertyco/vrt-cogs)
Command | Description |
!nonuke | Anti-Nuke System for lazy guild owners! |
!nonuke action | Set the action for the bot to take when NoNuke is triggered |
!nonuke cooldown | Cooldown (in seconds) for NoNuke to trigger |
!nonuke dm | Toggle whether the bot sends the user a DM when a kick or ban action is performed |
!nonuke enable | Enable/Disable the NoNuke system |
!nonuke ignorebots | Toggle whether other bots are ignored |
!nonuke logchannel | Set the log channel for Anti-Nuke kicks |
!nonuke overload | How many mod actions can be done within the set cooldown |
!nonuke view | View the NoNuke settings |
!nonuke whitelist | Add/Remove users from the whitelist |
Rewrite of many NotSoBot commands to work on RedBot V3
Author(s): NotSoSuper and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
!aesthetics | Returns inputed text in aesthetics |
!ascii | Convert text into ASCII |
!caption | Add caption to an image |
!emojify | Replace characters in text with emojis |
!flipimg | Rotate an image 180 degrees |
!flop | Flip an image horizontally |
!gascii | Gif to ASCII |
!glitch | Glitch a gif or png |
!gmagik | Attempt to do magik on a gif |
!haah | Mirror an image vertically left to right |
!hooh | Mirror an image horizontally bottom to top |
!iascii | Generate an ascii art image of last image in chat or from URL |
!invert | Invert the colours of an image |
!jpeg | Add more JPEG to an Image |
!magik | Apply magik to an image. |
!merge | Merge/Combine Two Photos |
!minecraftachievement | Generate a Minecraft Achievement |
!pixelate | Pixelate an image |
!rip | Generate tombstone image with name and optional text |
!rotate | Rotate image X degrees |
!triggered | Generate a Triggered GIF for a user or image |
!vw | Add vaporwave flavours to an image |
!waaw | Mirror an image vertically right to left |
!watermark | Add a watermark to an image |
!woow | Mirror an image horizontally top to bottom |
Information about what devices people are using to run discord.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
!onlineinfo | Show what devices a member is using. |
!onlinestatus | Print how many people are using each type of device. |
Aliases: onlinestats
Make the bot react to messages with your mention, reply, your user ID or a custom trigger, based on roles perks!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!personalreact | Make the bot react to messages with your mention, reply, your user ID or a custom trigger! |
Aliases: pr
!personalreact addreactions | Add reaction(s). |
!personalreact customtrigger | Set a custom trigger. |
!personalreact disable | Disable PersonalReact for you. |
!personalreact enable | Enable PersonalReact for you. |
!personalreact ignorebots | Ignore bots. |
!personalreact ignoremyself | Ignore yourself. |
!personalreact reactions | Set your reactions. |
!personalreact removereactions | Remove reaction(s). |
!personalreact replies | Allow the bot to react on the messages which ping you in replies. |
!personalreact userid | Allow the bot to react on the messages which contain your user ID. |
!personalreact view | View your PersonalReact settings. |
!setpersonalreact | Set PersonalReact settings. |
Aliases: setpr
!setpersonalreact addbaserolesrequirements | Add base roles requirements. |
!setpersonalreact addctrolesrequirements | Add custom trigger roles requirements. |
!setpersonalreact allowrepliestrigger | Whether to allow the replies trigger. |
!setpersonalreact alwaysallowcustomtrigger | Whether to always allow the custom trigger feature. |
!setpersonalreact blacklistedchannels | The channels where the bot won't react. |
!setpersonalreact clearmember | Clear a member's PersonalReact settings. |
!setpersonalreact maxreactionspermember | The maximum number of reactions a member can set for them. |
!setpersonalreact mincustomtriggerlength | The minimum length of a custom trigger. |
!setpersonalreact modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
!setpersonalreact removebaserolesrequirements | Remove base roles requirements. |
!setpersonalreact removectrolesrequirements | Remove custom trigger roles requirements. |
!setpersonalreact resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
!setpersonalreact roles | Set the roles requirements. |
Aliases: view
!setpersonalreact showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
!setpersonalreact useamountssum | Whether to use the sum of the roles requirements or the maximum amount. |
Don't forget anything anymore! Reminders in DMs, channels, FIFO commands scheduler, say scheduler... With 'Me Too', snooze and buttons.
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!remind | Create a reminder with optional reminder text or message, in a channel with an user/role ping. |
!reminder | List, edit and delete existing reminders, or create FIFO/commands or Say reminders. |
Aliases: reminders
!reminder clear | Clear all your existing reminders. |
!reminder edit | Edit an existing Reminder from its ID. |
!reminder expires | Edit the expires time of an existing Reminder from its ID. |
!reminder fifo | Create a FIFO/command reminder. The chosen command will be executed with you as invoker. Don't provide the prefix. |
!reminder list | List your existing reminders. |
!reminder remove | Remove existing Reminder(s) from their IDs. |
!reminder repeat | Edit the repeat of an existing Reminder from its ID. |
!reminder say | Create a reminder who will say/send text. |
!reminder text | Edit the text of an existing Reminder from its ID. |
!reminder timestamps | Get a list of Discord timestamps for a given time. You can provide a repeat. |
!reminder timetips | Show time parsing tips. |
Aliases: parsingtips
!reminder timezone | Set your timezone for the time converter. |
!remindme | Create a reminder with optional reminder text or message. |
Create user reports that server staff can respond to.
Users can open reports using `[p]report`. These are then sent
to a channel in the server for staff, and the report creator
gets a DM. Both can be used to communicate.
Author(s): Cog Creators
Command | Description |
!report | Send a report. |
!report interact | Open a message tunnel. |
!reportset | Manage Reports. |
!reportset output | Set the channel where reports will be sent. |
!reportset toggle | Enable or disable reporting for this server. |
Aliases: toggleactive
Author(s): pali (pali#0439)
Command | Description |
!lastroles | Shows a list of roles an user had the last time they left the guild. |
!purgeroles | Clears saved roles of a given user. |
!restoreroles | Tries to restore a member's roles to what they had the last time they left. |
Role related tools for moderation
Author(s): TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
!roletools | Commands for creating custom role settings |
!roletools atomic | Set the atomicity of role assignment. |
!roletools autorole | Set a role to be automatically applied when a user joins the server. |
!roletools buttons | Setup role buttons |
Aliases: button
!roletools buttons cleanup | Check each button that has registered a message still exists and remove buttons with |
!roletools buttons create | Create a role button |
!roletools buttons delete | Delete a saved button. |
!roletools buttons view | View current buttons setup for role assign in this server. |
!roletools cost | Set the cost to acquire a role. |
!roletools exclude | Set role exclusions |
Aliases: exclusive
!roletools exclude add | Add role exclusion (This will remove if the designated role is acquired |
!roletools exclude mutual | Allow setting roles mutually exclusive to eachother |
!roletools exclude remove | Remove role exclusion |
!roletools forcerole | Force a sticky role on one or more users. |
!roletools forceroleremove | Force remove sticky role on one or more users. |
!roletools giverole | Gives a role to designated members. |
!roletools include | Set role inclusion |
Aliases: inclusive
!roletools include add | Add role inclusion (This will add roles if the designated role is acquired |
!roletools include mutual | Allow setting roles mutually inclusive to eachother |
!roletools include remove | Remove role inclusion |
!roletools message | Commands for sending/editing messages for roletools |
!roletools message edit | Edit a bots message to include Role Buttons |
!roletools message editbutton | Edit a bots message to include Role Buttons |
!roletools message editselect | Edit a bots message to include Select Menus |
!roletools message send | Send a select menu to a specified channel for role assignment |
!roletools message sendbutton | Send buttons to a specified channel with optional message. |
!roletools message sendselect | Send a select menu to a specified channel for role assignment |
!roletools reaction | Reaction role settings |
Aliases: react, reactions
!roletools reaction bulk | Create multiple roles reactions for a single message |
!roletools reaction cleanup | Cleanup old/missing reaction roles and settings. |
!roletools reaction clearreact | Clear the reactions for reaction roles. This will remove |
!roletools reaction create | Create a reaction role |
!roletools reaction reactroles | View current bound roles in the server |
Aliases: reactionroles, reactrole
!roletools reaction remove | Remove a reaction role |
!roletools removerole | Removes a role from the designated members. |
!roletools required | Set role requirements |
Aliases: requires, require, req
!roletools required add | Add role requirements |
!roletools required any | Set the required roles to require any of the roles instead of all of them |
!roletools required remove | Remove role requirements |
!roletools select | Setup role select menus |
Aliases: selects
!roletools select cleanup | Check each select menu that has registered a message still exists and remove buttons with |
!roletools select create | Create a select menu |
!roletools select createoption | Create a select menu option |
!roletools select delete | Delete a saved select menu. |
!roletools select deleteoption | Delete a saved option. |
!roletools select view | View current select menus setup for role assign in this server. |
Aliases: list
!roletools select viewoptions | View current select menus setup for role assign in this server. |
Aliases: listoptions, viewoption, listoption
!roletools selfadd | Set whether or not a user can apply the role to themselves. |
!roletools selfrem | Set whether or not a user can remove the role from themselves. |
!roletools selfrole | Add or remove a defined selfrole |
!roletools sticky | Set whether or not a role will be re-applied when a user leaves and rejoins the server. |
!roletools viewroles | View current roletools setup for each role in the server |
A cog to have roles-buttons!
Author(s): AAA3A
Command | Description |
!rolesbuttons | Group of commands to use RolesButtons. |
!rolesbuttons add | Add a role-button for a message. |
!rolesbuttons bulk | Add roles-buttons for a message. |
!rolesbuttons clear | Clear all roles-buttons for a message. |
!rolesbuttons create | Create a message with a nice embed and roles-buttons. |
!rolesbuttons list | List all roles-buttons of this server or display the settings for a specific one. |
!rolesbuttons mode | Choose a mode for the roles-buttons of a message. |
!rolesbuttons remove | Remove a role-button for a message. |
A cog to check when a member/role/channel/category/user/guild was last active!
Author(s): AAA3A and aikaterna
Command | Description |
!seen | Check when a member/role/channel/category was last active! |
!seen board | View a Seen Board for members/roles/channels/categories/guilds/users! |
!seen category | Check when a category was last active! |
!seen channel | Check when a channel was last active! |
!seen guild | Check when a guild was last active! |
!seen ignoreme | Asking Seen to ignore your actions. |
!seen member | Check when a member was last active! |
!seen role | Check when a role was last active! |
Gather useful information about servers the bot is in
A lot of commands are bot owner only
Author(s): TrustyJAID and Preda
Command | Description |
!avatar | Display a users avatar in chat |
!botstats | Display stats about the bot |
Aliases: bs
!channeledit | Modify channel options |
!channeledit bitrate | Edit a voice channels bitrate |
!channeledit name | Edit a channels name |
!channeledit nsfw | Set whether or not a channel is NSFW |
!channeledit permissions | Edit channel read permissions for designated role |
!channeledit position | Edit a channels position |
!channeledit sync | Set whether or not to sync permissions with the channels Category |
!channeledit topic | Edit a channels topic |
!channeledit userlimit | Edit a voice channels user limit |
!channelstats | Gets total messages in a specific channel as well as the user who |
!emoji | Post a large size emojis in chat |
!getguild | Display info about servers the bot is on |
!getguilds | Display info about multiple servers |
!getreactions | Gets a list of all reactions from specified message and displays the user ID, |
!getroles | Displays all roles their ID and number of members in order of |
!guildedit | Edit various guild settings |
!guildedit afkchannel | Change the servers AFK voice channel |
!guildedit afktimeout | Change the servers AFK timeout |
!guildedit name | Change the server name |
!guildedit systemchannel | Change the system channel |
!guildedit verificationlevel | Modify the guilds verification level |
!guildemojis | Display all server emojis in a menu that can be scrolled through |
!nummembers | Display number of users on a server |
!pruneroles | Perform various actions on users who haven't spoken in x days |
!pruneroles add | Give roles to users who haven't spoken in x days |
!pruneroles kick | Kick users from the server who have been inactive for x days |
!pruneroles list | List the users who have not talked in x days. |
!pruneroles remove | Remove roles from users who haven't spoken in x days. |
!serverstats | Gets total messages on the server and displays each channel |
!topmembers | Lists top members on the server by join date |
!whois | Display servers a user shares with the bot |
Create custom slash commands.
The TagScript documentation can be found [here](https://phen-cogs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html).
Author(s): PhenoM4n4n and crayyy_zee
Command | Description |
!slashtag | Slash Tag management with TagScript. |
Aliases: st
!slashtag add | Add a slash tag with TagScript. |
!slashtag edit | Edit a slash tag. |
!slashtag edit argument | Edit a single slash tag's argument by name. |
!slashtag edit arguments | Edit a slash tag's arguments. |
!slashtag edit description | Edit a slash tag's description. |
!slashtag edit name | Edit a slash tag's name. |
!slashtag edit tagscript | Edit a slash tag's TagScript. |
!slashtag info | Get info about a slash tag that is stored on this server. |
!slashtag list | View stored slash tags. |
!slashtag message | Add a message command tag with TagScript. |
!slashtag pastebin | Add a slash tag with a Pastebin link. |
!slashtag raw | Get a slash tag's raw content. |
!slashtag remove | Delete a slash tag. |
!slashtag usage | See slash tag usage stats. |
Aliases: stats
!slashtag user | Add a user command tag with TagScript. |
Bulk sniping deleted and edited messages, for moderation purpose!
Author(s): epic guy and AAA3A
Command | Description |
!esnipe | Bulk snipe edited messages. |
!esnipe bulk | Bulk snipe edited messages. |
!esnipe embeds | Bulk snipe edited messages with embeds. |
!esnipe index | Snipe an edited message. |
!esnipe list | List edited messages. |
!esnipe member | Bulk snipe edited messages for the specified member. |
!esnipe membersmentions | Bulk snipe edited messages with members mentions. |
!esnipe mentions | Bulk snipe edited messages with roles/users mentions. |
!esnipe rolesmentions | Bulk snipe edited messages with roles mentions. |
!setsnipe | Commands to configure Snipe. |
!setsnipe ignored | Set if the deleted and edited messages in this guild will be ignored. |
!setsnipe ignoredchannels | Set the channels in which deleted and edited messages will be ignored. |
!setsnipe modalconfig | Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal. |
!setsnipe resetsetting | Reset a setting. |
!setsnipe showsettings | Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values. |
!snipe | Bulk snipe deleted messages. |
!snipe bulk | Bulk snipe deleted messages. |
!snipe embeds | Bulk snipe deleted messages with embeds. |
!snipe index | Snipe a deleted message. |
!snipe list | List deleted messages. |
!snipe member | Bulk snipe deleted messages for the specified member. |
!snipe membersmentions | Bulk snipe deleted messages with members mentions. |
!snipe mentions | Bulk snipe deleted messages with roles/users mentions. |
!snipe rolesmentions | Bulk snipe deleted messages with roles mentions. |
Display information from Spotify's API
Author(s): TrustyJAID and NeuroAssassin
Command | Description |
!spotify | Spotify commands |
Aliases: sp
!spotify artist | View Spotify Artist info |
Aliases: artists
!spotify artist albums | View an artists albums |
!spotify artist follow | Add an artist to your spotify library |
!spotify device | Spotify device commands |
!spotify device default | Set your default device to attempt to start playing new tracks on |
!spotify device list | List all available devices for Spotify |
!spotify device transfer | Change the currently playing spotify device |
!spotify genres | Display all available genres for the recommendations |
Aliases: genre
!spotify me | Shows your current Spotify Settings |
!spotify new | List new releases on Spotify |
!spotify next | Skips to the next track in queue on Spotify |
Aliases: skip
!spotify now | Displays your currently played spotify song |
!spotify pause | Pauses spotify for you |
!spotify play | Play a track, playlist, or album on Spotify |
!spotify playlist | View Spotify Playlists |
Aliases: playlists
!spotify playlist add | Add 1 (or more) tracks to a spotify playlist |
!spotify playlist create | Create a Spotify Playlist |
!spotify playlist featured | List your Spotify featured Playlists |
!spotify playlist follow | Add a playlist to your spotify library |
!spotify playlist list | List your Spotify Playlists |
Aliases: ls
!spotify playlist remove | Remove 1 (or more) tracks to a spotify playlist |
!spotify playlist view | View details about your spotify playlists |
!spotify previous | Skips to the previous track in queue on Spotify |
Aliases: prev
!spotify queue | Queue a song to play next in Spotify |
!spotify recent | Displays your most recently played songs on Spotify |
!spotify recommendations | Get Spotify Recommendations |
!spotify repeat | Repeats your current song on spotify |
!spotify resume | Resumes spotify for you |
!spotify search | Search Spotify for things to play |
!spotify seek | Seek to a specific point in the current song |
!spotify set | Setup Spotify cog |
!spotify set clearreactions | Set whether or not to clear reactions after sending the message |
!spotify set deletemessage | Set whether or not to delete the spotify message after timing out |
!spotify set forgetme | Forget all your spotify settings and credentials on the bot |
!spotify set menutimeout | Set the timeout time for spotify menus |
!spotify set showprivate | Set whether or not to show private playlists |
!spotify set showsettings | Show settings for menu timeouts |
Aliases: settings
!spotify share | Tell the bot to play the users current song in their current voice channel |
!spotify shuffle | Shuffles your current song list |
!spotify topartists | List your top artists on spotify |
!spotify toptracks | List your top tracks on spotify |
!spotify volume | Set your spotify volume percentage |
Create and use tags.
The TagScript documentation can be found [here](https://cogs.melonbot.io/tags/).
Author(s): inthedark.org, PhenoM4n4n, sravan, and npc203
Command | Description |
!invoketag | Manually invoke a tag with its name and arguments. |
!tag | Tag management with TagScript. |
Aliases: customcom, cc, alias
!tag add | Add a tag with TagScript. |
!tag alias | Add an alias for a tag. |
!tag append | Add text to a tag's TagScript. |
!tag backup | Backup all the tag data for your server. |
!tag docs | Search the TagScript documentation for a block. |
!tag edit | Edit a tag's TagScript. |
!tag info | Show information about a tag. |
!tag list | View all stored tags on this server. |
!tag pastebin | Add a tag with a Pastebin link. |
!tag raw | Get a tag's raw content. |
!tag remove | Permanently delete a tag. |
!tag restore | Restore all tag data for your server. |
!tag search | Search for tags by name. |
!tag unalias | Remove an alias for a tag. |
!tag usage | See tag usage stats. |
Aliases: stats
!tags | View all tags and aliases. |
Tracks various stats in a voice channel.
Author(s): willamette
Command | Description |
!vcstats | Tracks a stat in a voice channel. |
!vcstats add | Adds a stat to be tracked. |
!vcstats remove | Removes a stat to be tracked |
!vcstats stats | Lists the stats which can be tracked. |
Logs information about voice channel connection times.
Author(s): ZeLarpMaster#0818 and aikaterna
Command | Description |
!voicelog | Access voice activity data. |
Aliases: voicelogs
!voicelog channel | Look up the voice activity on a voice channel. |
!voicelog toggle | Toggle voice activity recording on and off. |
!voicelog user | Look up the voice activity of a user. |
Voice note logging.
Author(s): inthedark.org
Command | Description |
!voicenotelog | Voice note logging settings. |
Aliases: vnl
!voicenotelog channel | Configure the logging channel. |
!voicenotelog settings | View the voice note logging configuration settings. |
Aliases: showsettings, show
!voicenotelog toggle | Toggle voice note logging. |
Various tools to make voice channels better!
Author(s): Jakub Kuczys (https://github.com/Jackenmen)
Command | Description |
!voicetools | Settings for voice tools. |
!voicetools forcelimit | Settings for ForceLimit module. |
!voicetools forcelimit disable | Disables ForceLimit module. |
!voicetools forcelimit enable | Enables ForceLimit module. |
!voicetools forcelimit ignore | Adds members, roles or voice channels to ignorelist of ForceLimit module. |
!voicetools forcelimit ignorelist | Shows ignorelist of ForceLimit module. |
!voicetools forcelimit unignore | Adds members, roles or voice channels to ignorelist of ForceLimit module |
!voicetools vip | Settings for VIP module. |
!voicetools vip add | Adds members and roles to vip list of VIP module. |
!voicetools vip disable | Disables VIP module. |
!voicetools vip enable | Enables VIP module. |
!voicetools vip list | Shows vip list of VIP module. |
!voicetools vip remove | Removes members and roles to vip list of VIP module. |
Author(s): @xeon.__
Command | Description |
!addvouch | |
!removevouch | |
!setvouchchannel | |
!setvouchroles | |
!vouches | |
!vouchleaderboard |
An alternative to the Red core moderation system, providing a different system of moderation similar to Dyno.
Report a bug or ask a question: https://discord.gg/GET4DVk
Full documentation and FAQ: http://laggron.red/warnsystem.html
Author(s): retke (El Laggron)
Command | Description |
!masswarn | Perform a warn on multiple members at once. |
!masswarn 1 | Perform a simple mass warning. |
!masswarn 2 | Perform a mass mute. |
!masswarn 3 | Perform a mass kick. |
!masswarn 4 | Perform a mass softban. |
!masswarn 5 | Perform a mass ban. |
!warn | Take actions against a user and log it. |
!warn 1 | Set a simple warning on a user. |
!warn 2 | Mute the user in all channels, including voice channels. |
!warn 3 | Kick the member from the server. |
!warn 4 | Softban the member from the server. |
!warn 5 | Ban the member from the server. |
!warnings | Shows all warnings of a member. |
!warnlist | List the latest warnings issued on the server. |
!warnset | Set all WarnSystem settings. |
!warnset autoupdate | Defines if the bot should update permissions of new channels for the mute role. |
!warnset bandays | Set the number of messages to delete when a member is banned. |
!warnset channel | Set the channel for the WarnSystem modlog. |
!warnset color | Edit the color of the embed. |
!warnset convert | Convert BetterMod V2 logs to V3. |
!warnset description | Set a custom description for the modlog embeds. |
!warnset detectmanual | Defines if the bot should log manual kicks/bans with WarnSystem. |
!warnset hierarchy | Set if the bot should respect roles hierarchy. |
!warnset mute | Create the role used for muting members. |
!warnset refreshmuterole | Refresh the mute role's permissions in the server. |
!warnset reinvite | Set if the bot should send an invite after a temporary ban. |
!warnset removeroles | Defines if the bot should remove all roles on mute |
!warnset settings | Show the current settings. |
!warnset showmod | Defines if the responsible moderator should be revealed to the warned member in DM. |
!warnset substitutions | Manage the reasons' substitutions |
!warnset substitutions add | Create a new subsitution. |
!warnset substitutions delete | Delete a previously set substitution. |
!warnset substitutions list | List all existing substitutions on your server |
!warnset thumbnail | Edit the image displayed on the embeds. |
!wautomod | WarnSystem automod configuration. |
!wautomod antispam | Configure the antispam system. |
!wautomod antispam delay | If antispam is triggered twice within this delay, perform the warn. |
!wautomod antispam enable | Enable WarnSystem's antispam. |
!wautomod antispam info | Show infos about the antispam system. |
!wautomod antispam threshold | Defines the spam threshold. |
!wautomod antispam warn | Define the warn taken when the antispam is triggered. |
!wautomod antispam whitelist | Manage word whitelist ignored for antispam. |
!wautomod antispam whitelist add | Add multiple words for the whitelist. |
!wautomod antispam whitelist clear | Clear the whitelist. |
!wautomod antispam whitelist delete | Remove multiple words for the whitelist. |
!wautomod antispam whitelist list | List words in the whitelist. |
!wautomod enable | Enable or disable WarnSystem's automod. |
!wautomod regex | Trigger warnings when a regular expression matches a message like ReTrigger. |
!wautomod regex add | Create a new Regex trigger for a warning. |
!wautomod regex delete | Delete a Regex trigger. |
!wautomod regex edited | Defines if the bot should check edited messages. |
!wautomod regex list | Lists all Regex triggers. |
!wautomod regex show | Show details of a Regex trigger. |
!wautomod warn | Trigger actions when a member get x warnings within the specified time. |
!wautomod warn add | Create a new automated warn based on member's modlog. |
!wautomod warn delete | Delete an automated warning. |
!wautomod warn list | Lists automated warnings on this server. |
!wautomod warn show | Shows the contents of an automatic warn. |
!wsunban | Unban a member banned with WarnSystem. |
!wsunmute | Unmute a member muted with WarnSystem. |
Look up stuff on Wikipedia.
Author(s): PhasecoreX
Command | Description |
!wikipedia | Get information from Wikipedia. |
Tracks commonly used words.
Author(s): Flame442
Command | Description |
!topchance | Prints the members with the highest estimated probability that their next word would be the specified word. |
!topchance global | Prints the members with the highest estimated probability that their next word would be the specified word across all guilds. |
!topchatters | Prints the members who have said the most words. |
!topchatters global | Prints the members who have said the most words across all guilds. |
!topratio | Prints the members with the highest "word to all words" ratio. |
!topratio global | Prints the members with the highest "word to all words" ratio in all guilds. |
!wordstats | Prints the most commonly used words. |
!wordstats global | Prints the most commonly used words across all guilds. |
!wordstatsset | Config options for wordstats. |
!wordstatsset channel | Set if wordstats should record stats for this channel. |
!wordstatsset forgetme | Make wordstats forget all data about you. |
!wordstatsset minlength | Set the minimum length a word has to be in order to be displayed. |
!wordstatsset server | Set if wordstats should record stats for this server. |
!wordstatsset stopwords | Set if stopwords should be included in outputs. |
!wordstatsset user | Set if wordstats should record stats for you. |